Möglicherweise funktionieren ein oder mehrere Codes nicht, da die Implementierung der Codes auf der Firmware und Softwareversion beruht
To enter a Service Code - enter the requested code and press MUTE.
*99984* - Displays the handset item number, serial number, production week/year, hardware pcs and software no.
*99950* - Delete phone book, redial stack, clip stack, mail stack and all subscriptions
*99951* - Delete phone book
*99952* - Delete redial and clip stack
*99953* - Delete mail stack
*99954* - Delete all subscriptions
*99977* - Vibrator, buzzer and display test
*99977*1 - Buzzer and display test - only for KIRK 4020
*99988* - Show handset up-time
*99981* - Test display - old type
*99982* - Read back software part number and edition